What I Learned Going From 334th To 7th in the Spartan Race

What I Learned Going From 334th To 7th in the Spartan Race

It was 35 degrees fahrenheit in the morning of October 27th, 2012. My friend and I were headed to a rural area outside of Chicago to try out this new thing called a “Spartan Race”. 

Having played sports throughout school, I had always been athletic and competitive. But like many other former athletes, I had let myself go in recent years. To try to turn this around, I signed up for several 5K runs in Chicago just to stay active. I enjoyed them, but I don’t really have a “runner's body” (I played lineman in football) so I knew that I would not become elite. 

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Willpower and Habits - What Will Truly Help You Achieve Your Goals?

Willpower and Habits - What Will Truly Help You Achieve Your Goals?

When Charles Duhigg wrote his best-selling book, The Power of Habit, he made a bold claim.

“There’s nothing you can’t accomplish if you get the habits right.” [1]

Few of us would argue with the statement. After all, most of our lives are merely the accumulation of habits that we have built over the years. Some are positive, some are negative. But whether it’s lacing up your running shoes first thing in the morning, or keeping a fully stocked bowl of M&Ms by your desk, these habits have shaped who we are. 

But what if we want to make a change to this daily behavior?

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How To Use Willpower To Increase Your Creativity

How To Use Willpower To Increase Your Creativity

It has been called the most difficult language to understand on the planet. 

In the second half of the 20th century, Missionaries have gone deep into the jungle of the Amazon to try to bring God’s message to a tribe known as the Piraha. Many have been driven half mad in their attempts to learn their language that seems to have little structure or methodology to it [1]. 

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Ironic Rebound - Why Suppressing Thoughts Doesn't Work

Ironic Rebound - Why Suppressing Thoughts Doesn't Work

“Sit in this corner until you can stop thinking about a white bear.” Said the older brother of a young Leo Tolstoy, the Russian novelist. 

Several hours later the brother returned to the room to find Tolstoy paralyzed; still in the corner and unable to stop thinking about white bears. 

Why couldn’t Tolstoy stop thinking about white bears? It’s not like Russia was dealing with some massive white bear epidemic at the time. So why couldn’t he get the thought out of his head?

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Bright Lines - How To Avoid Short-Term Temptations

Bright Lines - How To Avoid Short-Term Temptations

Imagine you have just won the lottery. You have two options about when you will get your cash payout. If you wait 3 years, you’ll get $50 million dollars, but if you wait 6 years, you’ll get $100 million dollars. If you’re like most people, you’ll wait the full 6 years for double the money. After all, you’ll be getting paid over $16 million dollars a year for each extra year that you wait! 

But what if I were to offer you $50 million dollars today or $100 million dollars 3 years from now? It's not so easy to turn down the quick reward this time! Despite the fact that it’s the same amount of time spent waiting, now the majority of people will take the $50 million dollars today.

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Eat The Frog! 3 Reasons You Should Do The Hardest Things First

Eat The Frog! 3 Reasons You Should Do The Hardest Things First

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” – Mark Twain

I don't know about you, but I doubt Mark Twain is actually advocating that we eat live frogs. So what was the “frog” he was talking about?

A “Frog” is that thing that ugly, disgusting, thing on your to-do list that you want to put off until later more than anything else. It’s something that needs to get done, but you have absolutely zero motivation to do it.

We all have frogs looming on our calendars, and here are 3 reasons you need to follow Mark Twain's advice and eat it first thing in the morning.

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What Fuels Our Willpower?

What Fuels Our Willpower?

Imagine you are a participant in a study on willpower. You arrive to the laboratory having fasted for the last 12 hours, so your body is in dire need of some nourishment.

Before you are two different milkshakes: 

The first milkshake is a chocolaty, creamy, old-fashioned milkshake that people have been enjoying for decades.

The second milkshake has the exact same amount of calories and nutrients as a regular milkshake, but is just a gloppy milk product that is as tasteless as a glass of water.

Because both milkshakes contain the same nutrients, you will be adequately nourished regardless of the one that you choose.

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What Fatigue Really Is – And 3 Ways To Conquer It!

What Fatigue Really Is – And 3 Ways To Conquer It!

“Who needs this?”

Said Joe DeSena, founder of The Spartan Race, as he was in the middle of doing an Ironman Triathlon in Utah. Joe is renowned for pushing his body to the limit, but this time he felt like he had pushed his body as far as it could possibly go. He was 10 miles into the run and he was so nauseous that he had to walk over to an ambulance to vomit uncontrollably. 

Joe had all but decided that he was going to amongst those on the DNF (did not finish) list, when he saw a woman with one leg run by him. When he saw the woman pushing herself through a physical feat that many 2-legged people don’t even try, it changed his perspective. Seeing this gave him the strength he needed to run with her for the final 16 miles and finish the race!

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The Power of a Mentor

The Power of a Mentor

It may be the most competitive event on the planet.

Every 2 years we see athletes from all over the world converge on one city to compete in the Olympic games. They do it for pride. They do it for their country. And they do it with one goal in mind – win medals. 

Many athletes train all of their lives and only get the chance to compete in just one Olympic games. Imagine that. Years of training from as young as even 5 or 6 years old for just one chance at glory. Clearly with that much time invested on an event that may span only mere minutes or seconds, athletes want to make sure they’re training properly.

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The Planning Fallacy - How Our Optimism Leads Us Astray

The Planning Fallacy - How Our Optimism Leads Us Astray

The test was simple. The participants, all non-exercisers with the goal of adding workouts to their weekly routine, were asked to write down how many hours they planned to spend in the gym over the next two weeks.

Each participant entered in the amount of time they planned to spend in the gym. Then they recorded how much actual time they spent there to see if it matched up. After careful calculation, the participants planned to spend about 20 hours on average over the next two weeks in the gym.

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How To Resist Temptation Through Positive Procrastination

How To Resist Temptation Through Positive Procrastination

As humans, we all have our vices – mine is blueberry muffins. The delicious blend of sweet pastry and fruit is enough to make my mouth water even as I write this. While at a local coffee shop, I was staring one of these freshly baked muffins down with intense passion. But I knew I should not indulge. I have been following a diet plan called â€śThe Paleo Diet for Athletes” for over 9 months now and the last thing I wanted to do was break it.

However, the aroma of the baked good was enough that my mind was making up every reason possible to say, “go on, you deserve it!!” My heart was pounding as I got closer to the register. With every step it felt more and more like the world was going to end if I didn’t get this muffin now!! All of my willpower and self-control was gone, and I was about to give in. Until I remembered one last line of defense that we have – procrastination.

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The Incredible Effect of Exercise On Your Willpower

The Incredible Effect of Exercise On Your Willpower

What is the effect of physical exercise on a person’s willpower?

That’s the question researchers at Macquarie University in Sydney were trying to find out. There are, of course, many health benefits associated with physical exercise, but what does it do for our self-control?

Willpower itself is like a muscle, so can it become strengthened along with your other muscles through physical activity?

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Do Not Fail - The Case For Knowing Your Willpower Limits

Do Not Fail - The Case For Knowing Your Willpower Limits

“I’m going to start working out. I’ll start by going to the gym every Wednesday.”

A friend of mine told me those words 2 years ago. He didn’t go to the gym on a regular basis, and was trying to make it a habit. My first inclination when he told me that was probably pretty typical.

Really? You’re only going to go on Wednesday? Come on, you can at least go 3 times a week!

But that friend knew something that I didn’t. He knew that no matter what he was going to be able to make it to the gym every Wednesday without fail. If he went more than that, great, but when trying to build the habit, he had to start somewhere.

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10 Simple Exercises That Will Strengthen Your Willpower!

10 Simple Exercises That Will Strengthen Your Willpower!

In a previous article, I wrote about how willpower is a muscle. And like all other muscles in the human body, it can get exhausted from overuse, but it can also be strengthened through practice! 

Fair warning: like all practice, these workouts are not going to be much fun. After all, you will be exerting your willpower in the same way that you would exert your legs on a run. But they are scientifically proven to get you results. So although it will be difficult in the short-term, you will find that it will be easier to say no to temptationsmake it to the gym and stick with your long-term goals!

Here are 5 exercises you can do to strengthen your willpower muscle!

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When a High Self-Esteem is No Longer Healthy

When a High Self-Esteem is No Longer Healthy

Researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University had a simple question.

Can we help students who are struggling in class turn things around by helping to boost their self-esteem? 

They had a good basis for the question. After all, there is a correlation between getting good grades and having a high self-esteem. But which comes first? Do students with a high self-esteem naturally try harder because they believe in themselves? Or is it just natural that those who work hard and get good grades have a high self-esteem from achieving great results?

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Why Your Willpower is Like a Muscle - And How To Use It

Why Your Willpower is Like a Muscle - And How To Use It

The students arrived in the laboratory in a nutrition-depleted state (they were hungry!). Each one of them was instructed to fast prior to the experiment in which they were about to participate.

Then, the social psychologists unleashed their cruelty upon the participants. They invited them into a room with the aroma of freshly baked cookies. The students sat down around a table that had two plates on it. One was the plate of the warm, tempting cookies. The other was a plate of cold, raw, radishes.

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How The Right Language Will Help You Resist Temptations

How The Right Language Will Help You Resist Temptations

“Say no to drugs.”

We’ve all heard those words. Whether it was from our parents, our teachers or TV advertisements. However, saying “no” to temptations – whether they be as serious as drugs or as simple as an extra slice of cheesecake – isn’t that easy. 

But is it possible that there is a way to say “no” that makes it more likely that we will be able to resist the temptation?

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